【同义词辨析】 2020-04-14 骗取cheat-swindle
cheat: suggests using deceit or trickery that is intended to escape observation: ~ed on the written examination. trick伎俩花招戏法,表示调皮或无赖的欺骗roguish deception cheat欺瞒是deceive欺骗的一种,是为了躲避注意不被发现的欺骗,让人以为某物不存在或某事未发生,词组cheat on表示对某人不忠,如I can't stand you cheat on me我不能容忍你对我不忠,如how can you cheat on your wife, when she have loved you so你怎么可以对妻子不忠? cheat on me你欺骗了我,是几首歌的名字
cozen: implies artful persuading or flattering to attain a thing or a purpose: always able to ~ her doting grandfather out of a few dollars. artful聪明圆滑 又如a clever lawyer can cozen the prisoner into an admission of guilt一个聪明的律师能诱使(哄骗)囚犯承认有罪
defraud: stresses depriving someone of what is rightfully his or her own and usually connotes deliberate perversion of the truth: her own lawyer ~ed her of her inheritance. deprive剥夺使丧失 pervert完全扭曲to twist or distort completely
swindle: implies large-scale cheating by means of misrepresentation or abuse of confidence chiefly in order to attain money: widows ~d of their savings by con artists.
cheat欺瞒作弊: 使用欺骗伎俩,目的是躲避注意,cozen哄骗得到: 指聪明圆滑地哄劝恭维,目的是得到想要的,defraud诈骗: 泛指歪曲事实,强调骗取财物,swindle诈骗: 指伪造身份或滥用信任,骗取大量钱财
记忆方法: 1)首字母CCDS常常的事<==骗取 "取"字的本义是"割取耳朵",即以手取耳。古代战争,杀死敌人后会割下左耳以记功。夺取获取都和"捕取俘虏"有关,是取的常用义。后引申为1、得到或拿,如取款窃取索取青取之于蓝而青于蓝如,2、选取择定,如取名取景取消断章取义以貌取人去粗取精舍生取义,这里用1
2)骗取的意思是通过欺骗获得mean to get something by dishonesty or deception.